How Internal Martial trainings can induce ‘self-healing’ medical values of Mind & Body

Last Sunday [Martial 19]*108 Let’s the past serve the presence:

How Internal Martial trainings can induce ‘self-healing’ medical values of Mind & Body
上星期日 [武學19*108] – [古為今用] 內家。拳解碼第一章: 內家拳 + 醫

Pt.1- Study of Formless (Nothing) as [Internal]。invisible as ‘Internal Qi + Internal Gong’ methodology。Study of Forms (Somethings) as [External]。visible as ‘External Qi + Gong’
[形而上] 為之 [內]。看不到為 [內氣內功] 。 [形而下] 為之 [外] 看到的為 [外氣外功]

Pt.2- Static meditation= highly focus of concentration= Objectives of the thoughts. 2600 years ago ZhuangZi focus of movements, eyes are the window of the soul = [DaoYinShu] Conscious methodology = Brainwaves + mesolimbic reward Pathway, Neuron Pathway+ (Electric) Neurotransmitters+ Dopamine etc… higher level of Neuron Pathway activities can improve Alzheimer, Parkinson, Amnesia etc…
靜功=只能 [意傳]。[心傳] 不能 [手傳] 發夢開玩笑嗎? 2600年前 [莊子] 的 [坐馳]= 意念
眼到手到 = 眼神 (導引術) = 大腦恩維= 醫= 神經靜電層次= 抗年老衰退

Pt.3- Moving meditation = (Musculoskeletal) of Nine joints= ligaments = washing the marrows = running waters create Life… stagnant water is Lifeless = Blood is the General of Qi and Qi is the Mother of Blood…
動功 = 九節連環= 筋肌層次= 關節 [洗髓]= 流水不腐腐水不流。血為氣之母 氣為血之帥

Pt.4- Fast speed martial moments of Ligament & Bone marrows + Steel Jacket = Biological reactions= Blood
快打內功易筋拳法刺激骨髓= 血 + 鐵布衫 = 氣 = 生化作用

Pt.5- Questions & Answers. Q & A

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